Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

[Eng Sub] HD Hey Say JUMP - Over The Top PV

Konbawa minna ^^

Its been a while since I post something right? I'm just unsure what to write and doesn't have a time :( *The truth is I was busy with playing I and just lazy hahaha
😂🙈 kidding.

Its a bit late but Hey Say JUMP is relase their new single! And ofcourse its a time for new PV! And I don't believe they relase two PV!! I'm so happy!!

I've been working on Over The Top PV lately, to make the sub, my first subbing, yeay~
It's been hard but fun to learn new thing. I barely know about how to subbing video but here it is~ soon I want to make and upload the Indonesia translation ^^


You can downoad the PV here~
Decryption key :!m2F0_MdTNoey-ShlnhD1ci17u6rY9-WbCo9KxBwappo
*highlight it


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